Frequently Asked Questions

Is waxing painful?

Waxing can be uncomfortable but every effort is taken to make sure its a painless as possible. From the way we prepare the skin and hair, to the way we remove the wax, everything is carefully considered to make sure you are in the least amount of discomfort.

That is what makes us different

How long does the hair need to be to get waxed?

If you currently shave or use hair removal cream we ask that you leave at least two weeks (3 is better) of growth. The wax needs something to grab onto so that we can make sure your skin is silky smooth

Do I have to get on all fours for a bikini wax?

No! Some waxing companies do need you to be positioned on all fours but we don’t like that here so we have a much more comfortable way of waxing inside the bum.

Can I have sex after a wax?

Yes absolutely, your skin may be a little bit tender, pink and have raised lumps for 24 hours after your treatment so bare this in mind if you have a hot date planned

How can I stop ingrowing hairs?

Following your treatment it is best to leave the skin alone for 24 hours. After that we recommend that you gently exfoliate the skin with exfoliating mitts each day and apply an un-perfumed moisturiser to the skin. This helps the regrowth to make its way out of the skin properly

What should I do before my wax?

You should stop shaving or hair removal creams around 3-4 weeks before your appointment

If the hair feels long to you don’t be tempted to trim the hair, we will do this for you to avoid it being too short

You should not use sunbeds for 48 hours before your treatment

What should I do after a wax?

Please avoid heat from hot shower, saunas and hot tubs for 24 hours. You should avoid exercise and sweating on the day of treatment. You must not use tanning bed or lie in direct sunlight for 48 hours after your wax. Avoid applying deodorant or perfumed products for 24 hours.

Im on my period! Can I still get my bikini waxed?

Absolutely! This happens every single day and we can not explain how much it isn’t a problem. If you feel comfortable having your waxing done thats fine by us. Please make sure you wear a fresh tampon or a menstrual cup and we are good to go.

Do you wax men?

Yes. We wax all body areas except male intimate areas. Men sometimes try to push us just to “give it a go” with male intimate waxing. We are not trained and not insured for this treatment so please respect that.

I am trans what should I book?

All body waxing treatments are gender neutral so book any waxing option that suits you. For intimate waxing, if you have male genitals, we aren’t qualified to carry out this treatment. If you need help finding somewhere safe for you to go, just get in touch by email and we can give you a list of highly qualified trans friendly options.